Fifty Figures Goal

The 100 Days Project, when I did 100 Botanicals and Bugs, changed the way I drew. I loosened up and found my voice in interpreting vintage botanical illustration and most important, I had fun. TO that end, I have set a goal of creating fifty figure/character illustrations. I will not be doing this in fifty days as is sometimes the rule for these types of endeavors. I hope to gain a richer vocabulary in creating the human form. Here are my first three pieces. 

Phygment Studio Design

I have launched a new wing to my studio: Graphic Design. The intention is to offer budget-friendly logo and marketing design to small businesses. I specialize in creating a consistent face to the online community. Linking playful ideas with deliberate design. See more information and a price list in my shop

Please don't hesitate to email me with questions:

Please like/follow the Phygment Studio Design page

Please like/follow the Phygment Studio Design page

"slow curves"

As the days tick down to finishing up my Certificate in Graphic Design program and my worries mount... "Where will this next stone on my path take me?"..."will it take me closer to the art career I've been digging for for years or will it feel like another dead end?"... I listened to an interview this morning with David Gray that really shifted something in me. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a huge David Gray fan. He started as a painting major in college and instead gave in to the real love of his life: music. The way he writes a song from the lyrics to the melody to the instruments he uses has always spoken to me on an artist's heart level. His words that sang true to me this morning: 

The artists that I love the most...have slow George Braque...he stayed on his path...he stuck with it and for thirty, forty..years he’s banging away on the same drum...working within the constraints of one idea...or, Jack Yeates...there’s another example of a painter who suddenly blossomed...this is where the optimism comes in - when the richness of my life, the amount that I’ve been through and the people I’ve seen die and the people I’ve seen born, the amazing experiences and disappointments, triumphs...surely, all this is just going to create a greater potency when you try and make the sound (art, stories, etc...) that you want to make. I don’t see any reason why it should go off, like it’s a young man’s game.
— David Gray, interview on 'Born Optimistic' podcast
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One of the most fun projects I am currently working on with a group is to recreate a website for a local sustainable farm. I've done a tiny bit of the coding and been asked to be the illustrator for the project, to give the site a quirky, warm feeling. I am loving this project! 

Be well and just keep painting...singing...playing...being you! 

Link to Born Optimistic podcast

30 Days of Studies and Sketching

Last month I set a goal of making art for thirty days. Not necessarily thirty consecutive days, as school work and life are piled high these days. But, thirty days of sketching or producing something purely for my pleasure. I was beginning to get quite sad and missing time to make some art, play with color, muse about form just for the sake of exploration. I'm through day twenty-three and found myself gravitating back to botanicals. I guess that muse is not dead yet. 

Here are a few - follow along on my Instagram

Gracie Brave has been launched!

Happy 2018 everyone! I am looking forward to a few weeks of break from my graphic design certificate program I am currently enrolled in. I had a great first semester, survived web design with minimal hairs being pulled and made Dean's list! 

Big news for this month is that Gracie Brave has been launched on Amazon by the authors (Pamela Krikke and Kate Eldean). I illustrated Gracie Brave and worked one on one with the authors to bring her to life. It was an interesting project and one I enjoyed a great deal. 

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