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I have had requests for several years to do a wall calendar and I thought the latest Bugs and Botanicals series would be a perfect opportunity to satisfy my customers. The twelve-month calendar features:

  • Large, 12' square format
  • Printed in full color on heavy card stock matte paper
  • coil-bound with a hole for easy hanging.
  • Features 12 of my favorite images from the 100 Day Challenge project. 
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Back Cover 2018 Calendar .jpg

Catchin' up

Oy! Best laid plans... yep. This summer hasn't gone as planned. My seasonal allergies have really dampened my energy and reserve. I was on steroids for a few weeks to try and get on top of them and those were the best two weeks of my summer! I haven't been able to do any of my new series, other than the 100 Days of Botanicals and Bugs which has been really helpful and enlightening. So, let me catch you up on some of those pieces I was able to squeeze out of my hands. I also had some client work this summer which has been great as well. 

I will be at Holden Days Community fest this Saturday with some new works like the ones below, "Love Thy Neighbor" series. I will have afordable originals as well as prints of soem fo the botanical and bugs. COme say hello! I'd love to see you. 

Summer focus

Normally, summer is not my favorite season. I don't do well in the heat and my allergies leave me feeling itchy, tired and a bit foggy most of the time. This year, however, I have a reason to welcome it with open arms! I can already feel the schedule of the school year fading away and I'm starting to adjust to the new,  more consistent work schedule in the studio. I will still be navigating the work schedules of my two teenage sons who are not yet driving and the very phrenetic schedule of my new(ish), high energy puppy but this is all an improvement! 

Looking forward to sinking my teeth into my emerging "Caged" series. This series gets its imagery inspiration from vintage botanical and biological illustrations. The energy for this series is fueled by my own angst and thoughts about being a woman in her fifties as I consider all the choices I've made along the way and the things that cage me in one way or another. I will be incorporating hand embroidery into the works, as I have in the previous two series. This time I plan on working on hand dyed fabrics as well as the tissue paper layers I've used in the past. I have been doing research on the history of embroidery and it's parallel to woman's roles in the family and community.  This history will play its own role in the series and what I hope to express in these works. 

work in progress 

work in progress 

Because most artists these days have to keep many irons in the fire to keep the bills paid, I will also be putting together a marketing package to send out to art agents and directors in the direction of illustration and licensing work. Work on the Gracie Brave book is ongoing and I will be doing some illustration work for the authors this summer as well. 

Happy Summer to all who have teken the time to visit my "desk" today. Be well and stay in touch! 

Botanicals and Bugs and Sometimes, Cages

The 100 Days Project Continues and is going well ... I've loosened up and have played with new color palettes and am finding pure joy in the process! I've started doing research on the history of botanical illustrations as well as the history of embroidery and it's reflection of society and culture. This search and the daily practice of playing with the themes will inform my next series which I hope to really dig in to this summer. Finally, I am researching fellowships and artist residencies to commit a focused block of time to this series, if anyone has any leads - I'd welcome the resource! 

Days 1-9 

Days 1-9


Days 10-19

Days 10-19

Days 20-29 

Days 20-29


100 Days

I'm taking part in the 100 Days Project by producing sketches and studies of bugs (mostly moths) and botanicals. They can be found on my instagram feed as well as on my Facebook studio page .

These studies and sketches will inform my next wall art series. This new series will explore the mixture of hand embroidery, used in a more free-form/intuitive way than I have used it in my first Beasts series. I've begun to explore the use of embroidering on tea-dyed fabric as well as water soluble substrate material for hand work. My intention is to bring an updated and deeper exploration of the traditional botanical/natural history illustration. 

I continue to work on my children's book illustration portfolio and hope to pull a pitch together for the Gigantic Turnip book. 

Finally, I am researching the possibility of pursuing a Masters in Social Work to support my goals of bringing creativity as a means to healing to audiences that have experienced loss and or trauma. 

Day 2 of the 100 Days Project 

Day 2 of the 100 Days Project 

Day 1 of the 100 Day Project 

Day 1 of the 100 Day Project 

An experimental piece using recycled bed sheet material stretched over wood panel and prepared for waterbed gouache and ink. Embroidery on tea-dyed bed sheet material and water soluble embroidery fabric. 

An experimental piece using recycled bed sheet material stretched over wood panel and prepared for waterbed gouache and ink. Embroidery on tea-dyed bed sheet material and water soluble embroidery fabric. 

Day 7 

Day 7