Hey ! I'm the featured artist on the "An Artist's Sketch" blog ! Check it out - and while you're at it - check out the other cool artists that Ria has featured ! Have a great day !
Link here: An Artist's Sketch
Updates from my desk
I have begun a series of studies based on journal entries and dreams I have had. The theme is a meditation on some family-of-origin relationships and history that I have begun to unpack these past few years. I longed to write a book about it all but don’t consider myself an effective writer. When I asked myself how I might process all the complicated feelings and beliefs I have, I landed on what comes naturally, painting.
I am a trained grief counselor and am well aware of the power of telling your story, your way. My truth matters. It’s something I often have to remind myself as the middle-kid, bandaid sibling who has always seen my role as the peacekeeper, the one who was responsible for bringing everyone together even if it meant I had to hide my truth and my feelings in the process. My parents are deceased and the remainder of my family have essentially abandoned me for a deranged story they have conjured about me that apparently makes them feel less shame, less embarrassment for their own perceived shortcomings and abuse. It’s one of the most complicated and painful grief experiences I have had to grapple with and I have experienced quite a bit of loss. Mental illness can destroy families and the souls of those who are fighting to preserve what is good in a family.
I hope this series will evolve slowly and thoughtfully for me. My intention is to take my time and allow the imagery and feelings to spill out in their own way and time. I want to respect this process in order to honor my parents who worked so hard to create a family based on shared memories, some roads that had no road maps and love. It will be an intensely private process and outcome but I hope the imagery that emerges will have some universal messages for people as well.
Some studies from my sketchbooks:
This past Christmas as I watched my three adult children and their partners take in traditional items that mean ALOT to me didn’t seem to hit them in the same way. It got me thinking, what will their traditions be? What sorts of things will they collect to refelct this season? Their partners have different traditions of course as well as religious traditions. What imagery will they want to surround themselves with (if any)?
I asked them some questions about this - even asked about the traditional red and green color palette and if that was important to them. Their answers were informative and inspiring to me.
I’ve been developing ideas for Christmas tree toppers for the 25 - 35 audience. They are shaking up our ideas of the old world order and their future trditions and imagery/color palette choices will reflect this.
Here are some of my ideas I’ve been creating with paper maches and acrylic gouache. They are prototypes but the bug will go to my son Parker and the owl to my son Simon. I made my daughter and her husband a felt Santa developed from an illustration I did as part of my 50 figures series.
An ode to ignored emails…
Does anyone else get emails on a daily that they do not unsubscribe to because they think they’ll get to them at some point but actually rarely do?
For me, one of these is Word Daily. I want to have better vocabulary. I thought I would play with some lettering and spot illustrations/doodles from my sketchbooks for a bit. The lettering is not fussy, just helps me learn the word.
Hey ! I'm the featured artist on the "An Artist's Sketch" blog ! Check it out - and while you're at it - check out the other cool artists that Ria has featured ! Have a great day !
Link here: An Artist's Sketch
"An artist's life embraces every job description of a small business: creative director, marketing director, bookkeeper, construction manager, secretary, janitor, technician, and publicist. It is a self-directed life run by a committee of one. Being an artist is a profession . It is not a vow of poverty. If you ask artists to define success, most will say that it's having the time, space, and money to make art. However, many of the skills needed to succeed are acquired only through painful trial and error."
- Jackie Battenfield, "The Artist's Guide..."
Let me first apologize for the delay between posts! As you may have noticed, I have moved house (so to speak) ...over to a new website that I have created on my own with the help of Squarespace.com. Thank you for your patience ! My hope is that this new home will prove bug-free and easier for me to update and maneuver around. There are still a few holes in my presentation but if I wait until it's all "done and dusted" I will be an old woman!
This past month I have worked on several commissions, done sketches for new ideas, written an exhibition proposal, learned new skills in Adobe Illustrator, attended the online forum offered and hosted by Jennifer Lee of the Right Brained Business Plan , worked on my business plan, and cleaned my studio.
The Lilla Rogers Make Art That Sells Boot Camp took a hiatus for the month of April but is back this month and has us sketching figures, faces and vintage dolls. I became immersed in this mini assignment this week ! I have long told myself (and even potential clients) "Oh, I don't do figures" - ugh! Well, I was able to inform my ego that lives inside a box of comfort and lies that, yes, in fact I do "do figures" ! I took notes from some of my favorite children's book illustrators like Tomie Depaola, Jan Brett and Mary Engelbreit and found my own voice.
The image above is an in-process shot of a piece I did after being inspired by the figures and faces I was creating. I call this, "Corinne didn't know she was a saint". We all know people like Corinne, who hold up the world and make it look easy! Many of these people I know are mothers or woman who have been like mothers to me.
It's Mother's Day this week .... if you are not a mother - maybe you have given birth to a project, a career, a goal achieved .... to all you mothers out there or "chickens" who have sat on the egg of a dream that hatched - Happy Day of You! Please share what you have given birth to this past month. I don't want my blog to be all about me - really - ! I want you to contribute and let me know you were here. (it helps quiet the sound of crickets that I tend to hear after hitting "post" ). My work is about story telling and I want to hear yours!